With the cold winter months heading our way we wanted to remind you of our reliable and cost effective additional Winter Services.
Don’t leave it to the last minute to make plans for dealing with snow falls and icy car parks. Contact us today.
Winter Gritting
Fed up of getting out of bed early in the morning to grit the paths around your business premises before your staff arrive? Those days could be over…
Our gritting service monitors the weather using MET Office forecasting systems and gritting is carried out when the temperature drops below 0°C (zero degrees).
Gritting can be carried out on all:
• Access Roads
• Car Parks
• Footpaths
• Fire Exits
Price includes labour and rock salt
Price is dependent on size of site – please contact us today for further information or a quotation.
Snow Clearance
Following heavy snow fall it is vital your employees and customers can get to your business premises.
Our snow clearance service clears roads, car parks and footpaths to ensure accessibility.
• Snow plough mounted on a four wheel drive machine will clear access road and car parks
• Our teams will shovel snow from footpaths and fire exits
• Grit will then be applied at your standard rate (see winter gritting)
Grit Bins
This service includes the supply and delivery of Grit Bin
Grit Salt & Hand Shovel provided with bin
Various capacities available – ask for further details
Grit Bin Refills
Refills are also available – ask us for prices
Please feel free to contact us for a quote or to place an order. Email us at info@envirocarems.com or call us free on 0800 028 3329