Apr 4, 2013 | Grounds Maintenance Company
Well, the Grounds Maintenance programme is due to change its season on the 1st April. With this change there is usually a dramatic change in the jobs that our Operations teams need to carry out on each of their visits – but it seems that 2013 is already working...
Mar 28, 2013 | Grounds Maintenance Company
We have a new addition to the Envirocare Grounds Maintenance fleet – a 7.5t Canter wagon. Our Maintenance Operators are very excited about its arrival. It is designed to carry heavy payloads with ease. Both the front and rear axles perform effortlessly under...
Mar 21, 2013 | Grounds Maintenance Company
The Envirocare Grounds Maintenance website has been having some work done to it throughout the Winter and it is finally about to go live over the next few weeks! We hope you like the look and feel of our new site as much as we do – its wonderful, even though we...
Mar 14, 2013 | Grounds Maintenance Company
Maintaining a safe, competent workforce is a priority for Envirocare Grounds Maintenance with significant investment being made into staff training and development and the provision of a wide range of modern tools, plant and equipment, our customers can rest assured...
Mar 6, 2013 | Grounds Maintenance Company
If you are a regular visitor to our blog, you may remember some of our selfless Envirocare Grounds Maintenance team members doing their bit for society and raising money for various great causes. We had John and David raising money for The Alzheimers Society also you...
Feb 28, 2013 | Grounds Maintenance Company
We are very proud to announce our Envirocare Grounds Maintenance new-look website come to you very soon. We don’t want to say too much to spoil the surprise for when it goes live but we can say that it will be more interactive with great things for you to look...