The start of the year are the prime months for Envirocare Grounds Maintenance to formally evaluate the training requirements or needs for individual team members. Across the network we are catching up with first aid courses for supervisors in the field and supporting managers with additional beneficial courses.
The benefits of maintaining our Training and Development Policy and procedures has numerous benefits to individual location operations and the organisation as a whole.
Examples are;
- Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees.
- Increased employee motivation.
- Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain.
- Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods.
- Supporting the organisations strategic aims
Managers are ready to complete individual bi- annual appraisals on a 1:1 basis with all team members. This is an opportunity to assess and discuss individual’s performance in various areas and also discuss their possible interests in further specific training. If there are “opportunities for improvement” identified during appraisal, further training requirements are documented to support performance improvements.
One area of training that is essential to complete is the e-learning modules via Human Focus. Any team members who have outstanding modules to complete are allocated sufficient time to complete them.
All managers are sent the Human Focus access and module completion guides so they can gauge via the website what modules need completing in order for their teams to maintain their training records and evidence such. Included are appraisal forms and assessment ratings for further information that can used in 1:1 meeting’s.
It is essential that TRAINING and records are paramount in evidencing overall COMPETENCY of all employees.
Chelmsford Depot
During the quiet time before the season begins the manager is putting his team through mandatory PA1 and PA6 spray training! “They weren’t used to being in a classroom for so long!”