0800 028 3329 info@envirocarems.com



Welcome Envirocare Grounds Maintenance Essex Branch

Could we wish the very best to the newest Envirocare Grounds Maintenance branch has now been up and running for the past few weeks. It is certainly a good job its Operations Manager, Ben Grose is firing on all cylinder's, as the team is thrown head first into the...

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Grounds Maintenance apprentice passes test

A very well done to Mary Yates who has passed her driving test the very first time she tried! As the youngest member of Envirocare Grounds Maintenance Head Office Staff - she is now mobile and is already asking Operations Manager, Ben Roxburgh if she can drive one of...

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Envirocare Grounds Maintenance Mick Mann is a Grandad!

Congratulations Mick whose eldest son is now a proud Daddy himself for the very first time to a gorgeous son - Mikey, making Envirocare Grounds Maintenance's Mick Mann a very proud Grandad. Mikey will be able to say he is very proud of his Daddy too when he is old...

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Grounds Maintenance staff cycle 162 miles!

We are so very proud of our Envirocare Grounds Maintenance, Contract Sales Executive - Janet Nowland. As a follow up to the "Penrith Punisher" last year, which saw 12 cyclists take part in a gruelling 80 mile bicycle ride.  This year, now more famously known as the...

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Envirocare Family Fun at Chorley Football Club

Saturday, 4th May 2013 was a great day for some of the lucky staff of Envirocare Grounds Maintenance. A few weeks ago, you may have read our blog proudly announcing being the 2013/14 Chorley Football Club Sponsors and so, when given the chance to watch their last game...

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Envirocare Grounds Maintenance going for Gold

It may not have been for an actual Olympic gold medal but it certainly felt like it for the two Envirocare runners, who took part in different races over the weekend.  A very well done to them both - they received their very own medals for finishing their respective...

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Bring the 60s into the 21st Century

We heard it arrive into the Envirocare Grounds Maintenance yard before we saw it...and then we saw it and what a beautiful thing it was to see! We are of course talking about the lovingly restored MG B - GT that our Envirocare Director - Phil Harrington, is the very...

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Grounds Maintenance Teams clear snow in April!

Well, the Grounds Maintenance programme is due to change its season on the 1st April.  With this change there is usually a dramatic change in the jobs that our Operations teams need to carry out on each of their visits - but it seems that 2013 is already working a...

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New 7.5 tonne Canter Wagon

We have a new addition to the Envirocare Grounds Maintenance fleet - a 7.5t Canter wagon.  Our Maintenance Operators are very excited about its arrival.  It is designed to carry heavy payloads with ease. Both the front and rear axles perform effortlessly under any...

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New Bespoke Website Coming Soon

The Envirocare Grounds Maintenance website has been having some work done to it throughout the Winter and it is finally about to go live over the next few weeks!  We hope you like the look and feel of our new site as much as we do - its wonderful, even though we do...

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