New franchisee Andrew Dewhurst is already making his business a family affair. During school half term, Andrew and his two sons got stuck into marketing his Envirocare franchise by calling on local businesses providing ‘live quotes’ for grounds maintenance. Lindsay, Envirocare Business Development Manager joined Andrew and the lads for the day out and about in Chester. “We had a really good day and met some lovely people. The face to face, on the job approach is a fantastic way of introducing Envirocare to local businesses, they can see we provide a customer focused, quality service.”
By mid afternoon Andrew’s eldest son felt he had done his bit. “Who Cares?” became his response to everything – at 12 he’s on the verge of turning into ‘Kevin the teenager’. Listening intently to the latest round of “Who Cares?” from his brother, Andrew’s youngest son chirped up “Enviro….CARE!!!” “It was a classic comment” said Andrew “definitely one for the Envirocare blog!”